کتاب معماری نرم افزار در عمل

Software Architecture in Practice 3rd Edition

SEI Series in Software Engineering

 Len Bass is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). He has written two award winning books in software architecture as well as several other books and numerous papers in a wide variety of areas of computer science and software engineering. He has been a keynote speaker or a distinguished lecturer on six continents. He is currently working on techniques for the methodical design of software architectures, to understand how to support usability through software architecture, and to understand the relationship between software architecture and global software development practices. He has been involved in the development of numerous different production or researchsoftware systems ranging from operating systems to database managementsystems to automotive systems.
کتاب معماری نرم افزار با رویکرد عملی از لن باس به عنوان منبع اصلی در ترم جاری در نظر گرفته شده و کتاب مهندسی نرم افزار رهیافتی برای یک اهل فن از پرسمن به عنوان منبع کمکی مورد استفاده قرار خواهد گرفت.
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